What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction
Some medical references explain that hemorrhoids alone, in general cases, do not cause symptoms. Although these problems can be painful; they are usually not serious.
Estimates vary, but some studies report there are about 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. In addition to that, about half of adults by the age 50 have had to deal with the itching, bleeding, and discomfort that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids.
Types of Hemorrhoids
There are two common types of hemorrhoids, namely: internal and external. Each of type has different symptoms; therefore, you should ask your doctor what type of hemorrhoid that occurs before you take any medical action.
Internal Hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are usually in the form of small swollen veins located up inside the rectum. These conditions rarely cause any pain since this tissue doesn't have any sensory nerves. Some medical references explain that these hemorrhoids are graded for severity according to how far and how often they protrude into the anal passage or protrude out of the anus.
The followings, as quoted from mayoclinic.org, are many grades of internal hemorrhoids that commonly occur.
- The first grade of internal hemorrhoids is characterized by small without protrusion. Minor bleeding without pain occurs from time to time after a bowel movement.
- The second grade of internal hemorrhoids may protrude during a bowel movement but returns spontaneously to its place afterwards.
- The third grade of internal hemorrhoids may rule your daily life, that’s why this hemorrhoid must be replaced manually.
- The last grade of internal hemorrhoids has prolapsed. These hemorrhoids protrude constantly and will fall out again if pushed back into the rectum. In certain cases, there may or may not be bleeding. If strangled by the anus or if a clot develops, prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful.
External Hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids can get irritated and clot under the skin thus causing a hard painful lump. Health experts explain that these hemorrhoids develop under the skin just inside the opening of the anus. They may swell, and the area around it may become firm and sore so that turning blue or purple in color when they get clotted.
A clotted hemorrhoid is one that has formed a clot inside. Although this clot is not dangerous and will not spread through the body, it can cause pain and should be drained.
Well, external hemorrhoids may itch and can be very painful, particularly during a bowel movement. These hemorrhoids can also prolapse.
Treatment For Hemorrhoids
The treatment for both internal and external hemorrhoids involves steps that you can take on your own, including lifestyle modifications. However, medications or surgical procedures are sometimes necessary.
Helpful information!!! I have had hemorrhoids form many years... I had tried so many treatment to get rid of hemorrhoids, but nothing works for me. Right now I am taking zinc oxide someone recommended. My friend told me that natural treatments are available to cure from hemorrhoids. I read your article and definitely going to try your tips… Keep on sharing such information.