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Monday, January 20, 2014
Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Treatment

Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Treatment

Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Treatment
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments of the rectum, which are affecting as much as half the population by the age of 50. Almost all of us agree that suffering from hemorrhoids is not only painful but also embarrassing as well.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal, which occur in the lower rectum, and external, which develop under the skin around the anus. In general cases, external hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable as the overlying skin becomes irritated and erodes.

There are many effective options available to treat hemorrhoids or piles. Most people can get relief from symptoms by using home treatments and making lifestyle changes. However, sometimes medications or surgical procedures are necessary. Read also: Conventional Hemorrhoid Treatments That Help Treat The Symptoms.

Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids Treatment

For milder or moderate cases, as quoted from, there are many home remedies that can help soothe the symptoms.

Over The Counter & Home Remedy

One of home remedies for hemorrhoids relief that are recommended by doctors, and fortunately you can find them at health food stores or pharmacies, is preparations such as creams or suppositories containing local anesthetic. In addition to that, suppositories and creams containing hydrocortisone are also effective; however, don’t use them for more than a week at a time as they can cause the skin to atrophy.

Practitioners of folk remedy also recommend placing a small ice pack on the anal area for a few minutes to help reduce pain and swelling.

Home Remedies Using Herbs

Many medicinal herbs can also help soothe the symptoms of hemorrhoids. These herbs include: ginkgo, aloe, butcher’s broom etc.

Ginkgo is often used in the natural treatment of piles. Modern studies show that it is a useful plant to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. According to herbal practitioners, this plant is best used in the form of standardized extracts usually delivered as pills.

Aloe is also thought as one of recommended herbs that can help soothing hemorrhoids or piles. If you want to try to use this herb for treating painful hemorrhoids, you can apply it topically or taking a supplement containing it.

Butcher's broom has a long history of traditional use for hemorrhoids. The extracts of this herb contains active compound called ruscogen that has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to improve the tone and integrity of veins and shrink the swollen tissue. This herb is available at health food stores or pharmacies in the form of capsule or tea. But if you want to try making homemade tea for hemorrhoids, you can steep one teaspoon of the herb in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.

Eat More Fiber Foods

Diet rich in fiber is crucial for treating and preventing hemorrhoids. It helps decrease hemorrhoidal bleeding, swelling, and enlargement. Some foods rich in fiber you can include in your diet are: whole-grain foods, broccoli, wheat, oat bran, beans, fresh fruits, and leafy vegetables.

Naturopathic practitioners suggest starting slowly and gradually increasing the intake to 25–30 grams of fiber per day. For greater effects, it's a good deal if you also increase your fluid intake.

Exercises For Hemorrhoids Home Remedies

Practitioners of naturopathic medicine suggest moderate aerobic exercise such as brisk walking 20–30 minutes a day. According to them, this exercise can help stimulate bowel function.

Sitz Bath For Hemorrhoids Relief

A sitz bath is a warm water bath for the buttocks and hips. Some studies have confirmed that this remedy can relieve itching, irritation, and spasms of the sphincter muscle.

To provide hemorrhoids relief at your home, doctors recommend a 20-minute sitz bath after each bowel movement and two or three times a day in addition. Make sure to gently pat the anal area dry afterward and never rub or wipe it too hard.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Conventional Hemorrhoid Treatments That Help Treat The Symptoms

Conventional Hemorrhoid Treatments That Help Treat The Symptoms

Conventional Hemorrhoid Treatments
What are conventional hemorrhoid treatments that help provide relief? The term “hemorrhoids”, also called piles, generally mean swollen and inflamed veins in your anus or lower rectum. It is a varicose veins present in all people and comprise the blood supply to the anus and rectum.

Piles or hemorrhoids may be located inside the rectum, called internal hemorrhoids, or they may develop under the skin around the anus, called external hemorrhoids. (Read also: What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction and What Are Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?)

Hemorrhoids are common ailments. Studies reported about half of adults, by age 50, have had to deal with the itching, bleeding, and discomfort that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids.

Conventional Treatment For Hemorrhoids

There are many effective options available to treat hemorrhoids or piles. Most people can get relief from symptoms by using home treatments and making lifestyle changes. However, sometimes medications or surgical procedures are necessary.

Over The Counters For Hemorrhoids

Conventional treatment for hemorrhoids can be in the form of creams, suppositories, and ointments. All these preparations are available at pharmacies. But keep in mind; they will only treat the symptoms and will not cure hemorrhoids.

Doctors commonly recommend using any preparations of hemorrhoid medications for five to seven days at a time. The main reason is these medications may irritate the sensitive skin around your anus when used for a long time.

Prescribed Medications For Hemorrhoids

If you have severe inflammation in and around your back passage, doctors may prescribe corticosteroid cream that contains powerful hormones called steroids. Keep in mind, you should not use corticosteroid cream for more than a week at a time because it can make the skin around your anus thinner.

One of hemorrhoid symptoms is pain. That’s why doctors commonly prescribe painkiller such as paracetamol. They may also prescribe other products that contain local anesthetic to treat painful hemorrhoids. And keep in mind, you should use these medications for a few days as they can make the skin around your back passage more sensitive.

Your doctor may recommend laxative to prevent and treat hemorrhoids due to constipation. This medication is a type of medicine that can help you empty your bowels.

Hemorrhoid Banding

Hemorrhoid banding is a professional procedure that GP uses to treat second and third degree hemorrhoids. This procedure involves a very tight elastic band being placed around the base of hemorrhoids to cut off their blood supply. Technically, hemorrhoids should fall off within seven days of having the treatment.

Sclerotherapy For Hemorrhoids

Another professional procedure, sclerotherapy, is another common treatment for internal hemorrhoids. Doctors commonly use this procedure as an alternative to banding.

Infrared Coagulation For Hemorrhoids

Your GP may also recommend infrared coagulation, commonly known as infrared light, to treat hemorrhoids. It is a special device to burn the hemorrhoid tissue. To cut off the circulation to small internal hemorrhoids, one or two bursts of infrared light are enough to reduce them.

Surgery For Hemorrhoids

Surgery is the last choice of hemorrhoid treatment. This procedure is sometimes recommended to treat large internal hemorrhoids or those graded as three or four.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
What Are Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

What Are Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

What Are Causes and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
What are the causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids? In general, hemorrhoids or in common called piles means swollen veins located around the anus or in the lower rectum. There are two types of hemorrhoids, internal and external. (Read also: What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction)

The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons reported that millions of Americans suffer with hemorrhoids in which external hemorrhoids are the most common and the most troublesome.

Although hemorrhoids are treatable, these conditions can cause pain, difficulty sitting, and severe itching.The older you are the more likely you are to suffer from hemorrhoids; however, it doesn’t mean that young people and children do not get these problems.

Signs and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoid usually depend on the location. For example, internal hemorrhoids lie inside the rectum. That’s why internal hemorrhoids usually don't cause discomfort, and you usually can't see or feel these hemorrhoids.

However, straining or irritation when passing stool can damage a hemorrhoid's delicate surface and cause it to bleed. Infrequently, straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. Commonly, it is known as a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can cause pain and irritation.

Another type of hemorrhoid, external hemorrhoids, is under the skin around your anus. These hemorrhoids, when irritated, can itch or bleed. Blood sometimes may pool in an external hemorrhoid and form a clot, resulting in severe pain, inflammation, and swelling.

There are many common signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids that may occur, including:
  1. Painless bleeding during bowel movements
  2. Swelling around your anus
  3. Itching or irritation in your anal region
  4. Pain or discomfort
  5. Leakage of feces
  6. A lump near your anus that may be sensitive or painful

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when there is an increase in the pressure in the small vessels that make up the hemorrhoid causing them to swell and engorge with blood. It causes them to increase in size leading to symptoms.

There are many exact cause of hemorrhoids, but probably several mechanisms are at work. Generally, hemorrhoids are associated with chronic constipation, prolonged sitting on the toilet, and straining during bowel movements — all of which interfere with blood flow to and from the area, thus causing it to pool and enlarge the vessels. It also explains why hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy when the enlarging uterus presses on the veins.

In addition to many factors above, some references explain that increased pressure may be caused by a variety of factors including:
  1. Straining during bowel movements
  2. Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
  3. Chronic diarrhea or constipation
  4. Obesity
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Anal intercourse
  7. Low-fiber diet

When should I see a professional help?

Hemorrhoids can be treated with or without professional help; however, if your hemorrhoids do not improve significantly, even after using home remedies, see a doctor to get help.

Article sources:,,, and medline plus.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction

What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction

What Is Hemorrhoid? – An Overview and Introduction
What is hemorrhoid? The term “hemorrhoids” or commonly known as “piles” means swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and lower rectum. These common problems may result from straining during bowel movements or from the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy.

Some medical references explain that hemorrhoids alone, in general cases, do not cause symptoms. Although these problems can be painful; they are usually not serious.

Estimates vary, but some studies report there are about 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. In addition to that, about half of adults by the age 50 have had to deal with the itching, bleeding, and discomfort that can signal the presence of hemorrhoids.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two common types of hemorrhoids, namely: internal and external. Each of type has different symptoms; therefore, you should ask your doctor what type of hemorrhoid that occurs before you take any medical action.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are usually in the form of small swollen veins located up inside the rectum. These conditions rarely cause any pain since this tissue doesn't have any sensory nerves. Some medical references explain that these hemorrhoids are graded for severity according to how far and how often they protrude into the anal passage or protrude out of the anus.

The followings, as quoted from, are many grades of internal hemorrhoids that commonly occur.

  1. The first grade of internal hemorrhoids is characterized by small without protrusion. Minor bleeding without pain occurs from time to time after a bowel movement.
  2. The second grade of internal hemorrhoids may protrude during a bowel movement but returns spontaneously to its place afterwards.
  3. The third grade of internal hemorrhoids may rule your daily life, that’s why this hemorrhoid must be replaced manually.
  4. The last grade of internal hemorrhoids has prolapsed. These hemorrhoids protrude constantly and will fall out again if pushed back into the rectum. In certain cases, there may or may not be bleeding. If strangled by the anus or if a clot develops, prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids can get irritated and clot under the skin thus causing a hard painful lump. Health experts explain that these hemorrhoids develop under the skin just inside the opening of the anus. They may swell, and the area around it may become firm and sore so that turning blue or purple in color when they get clotted.

A clotted hemorrhoid is one that has formed a clot inside. Although this clot is not dangerous and will not spread through the body, it can cause pain and should be drained.

Well, external hemorrhoids may itch and can be very painful, particularly during a bowel movement. These hemorrhoids can also prolapse.

Treatment For Hemorrhoids

The treatment for both internal and external hemorrhoids involves steps that you can take on your own, including lifestyle modifications. However, medications or surgical procedures are sometimes necessary.

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